Pixar Memes

Hi ! Welcome to my blog ! Today, as you see, I'm gonna give you some Pixar memes. I plan to do a part 2 if I find better memes, so wait for it ! Whatever. Let's go !


Totally true !

So Dog-E, so Pixar

And no one realized it's Anna from Frozen with brown hair when it was first leaked out.

But what if Michael Bay directed UP ?

Deez explozionzzz... LOL.

And what if he directed WALL-E too ?

That's true again. I see that Pixar loves to create better love stories than Twilight. And that makes me wonder ; Is Twilight a real love story ?

Hate this kind of people. One does not simply get old for Pixar movies. LOL. No one can get old for Pixar movies.

True. Mike Wazowski's weird screenshots fit everywhere don't they ?

What is UP ? xD

Everything including feelings has feelings thanks to Pixar. And if you didn't understand this sentence, don't worry, I didn't understand what I said too. It's all because the PIXARCEPTION.

Hey, I don't think Cars 2 was a bad movie. I still remember the day I saw it on theaters when I was like 7 or 8.

Cars ? Let's speak more about Cars. There are only 13 days for Cars 3 and I can't wait for it !

How about you ? Are you excited for Cars 3 ? And what do you think about these memes ? You can write a comment down below or support me by following my blog. Thank you so much ! See you next time !


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